
㽶Ƶ۰ State University secured a position in the Platinum Cluster Category of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) 2021 Clustering Scheme of the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) 2.0 program . The Platinum Award is the highest recognition  given by  IPOPHL for ITSOs that have developed specific competencies or expertise over time  and for those with the manpower to dispense such expertise.

ITSO 2.0 program is  designed to revitalize the ITSO network  to cope with the pressing demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).  Under the program, ITSOs are clustered accordingly based on set parameters.

Despite the challenges brought about by COVID19 pandemic, CvSU ITSO, headed by Dr. Teddy F. Tepora, has drafted and filed seven invention patents in 2021 – a requirement for Platinum Cluster Category in ITSO 2.0. Also, CvSU have successfully commercialized one technology through licensing agreement.

The award was given during the 2021 ITSO Cluster Awarding Ceremony conducted online by IPOPHL on April 18, 2022.

Congratulations to 㽶Ƶ۰ State University Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO), Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTTO), and Knowledge 㽶Ƶ۰ Center (KMC)!